YouTube completely changes the design of its mobile video player

 The next time you open a YouTube video on your mobile phone, you will find yourself with a completely changed player compared to what has been there until now.

YouTube completely changes the design of its mobile video player

Google has started updating the YouTube mobile app's built-in video player, with a new interface, more controls, and other changes we'll take a closer look at.

When accessing any YouTube video from mobile and activating full screen mode, it is possible to see how the video player has changed. For starters, the YouTube font is now used in the video title that appears at the top.

Also, new shortcuts have been added to the bottom, just below the launch bar. On the left side, you can find icons to like or dislike, view comments, add the video to a list or share it.

Meanwhile, on the right side, it is possible to see a list of all recommended videos based on the preferences of each user.

By clicking on the video title or the comments icon, a panel will pop up in the right half of the screen, allowing you to continue watching the video while referring to the comments or video description, among other things.

The changes should now be available to all YouTubers on Android and iOS. If the new design of the YouTube player is not yet active in your phone, you will have to update the app to the latest version available through Google Play or the App Store.