YouTube launches a new way to make money easily Here's how to activate it

YouTube launches a new way to make money easily Here's how to activate it
 YouTube has launched a new feature for creators to make money through their channels. The function will be available in 60 countries.
 Following the same dynamics as Super Chat, YouTube users can now rely on posters so that the public can support them with money.
YouTube launches a new way to make money easily Here's how to activate it
This system is activated in YouTube live shows, because the idea is to encourage users to interact with and support their favorite channels, so that users can buy these posters and share them in live chat.
In the first phase, YouTube will only launch 8 poster packages (some of which are animated), translated in English, Portuguese, French, Korean and Japanese. Their prices will be between 99 cents and about $ 50.

One of the details to keep in mind is that this option is not open to all creators, as there are some requirements for channels to be eligible. You must have at least 1,000 subscribers, YouTube agree to be part of the Partner Program, and be part of certain markets to use this feature.
The YouTube Help Center at this link describes the steps to activate Super Sticker.