Britain targets human errors in electronic warfare

Britain plans to develop technologies to exploit human errors in electronic warfare, by establishing the National Cyber-Deception Laboratory, NCDL, which aims to bring together psychologists, anthropologists, practitioners, researchers, and academia to facilitate research and provide guidance in the context of national security to help exploit human errors in upcoming cyber attacks .

Cranfield University and the Cyber ​​Defense School of the Defense Academy are working together to develop the National Center for Cyber ​​Deception and help the British Ministry of Defense MOD better defend their networks in cyberspace, and according to Cranfield University, cyber deception is expected to be one of the most important areas of growth in cybersecurity during Next years.

The university stated that the development of this field within the UK army allows defenders of the networks to take a proactive approach using the art of military deception to defend against the activities of the attackers working within their networks and manipulate and deal with those activities effectively, and this may involve confusing the enemy with regard to taking steps that may reveal Their identity or sabotage their attacks.

The National Laboratory of Cyber ​​Deception is a departure from the only dependence on passive defenses, such as firewalls, which experts no longer believe are sufficient to protect sensitive networks, military platforms, and weapons systems.

Darren Lawrence, director of NCDL, senior lecturer in behavioral sciences and head of the Information Operations Group at Cranfield University said: “Military networks need a full military defense, because the current civil security curricula are not able to perform this task, and the deception revolves around creating errors in how Making our enemies realize their world, and it's about getting them to behave in ways that suit our purposes, not theirs.

"We are happy to work with the cyber defense school on this initiative, as searching for ways to shape the behavior of the attackers, whether they are a nation-state or a criminal institution, and denying them freedom to work within our networks will enable cyber defense military to move to a more aggressive base and deter future attacks." .

The NCDL seeks to provide innovative and new methods to develop cyber-deception capabilities by connecting individuals and organizations across multiple sectors.

We live in a period of ongoing competition in which the United Kingdom is attacked through cyberspace on a daily basis, and the Ministry of Defense, if it wants to maintain operational effectiveness, said Tim Neal Hopes,  head of C4ISR and Cyber ​​at the British Ministry of Defense. Defend its Internet-based information, networks and capabilities against these perpetual attacks.

"Cyber ​​deception is a critical component of cyber defense, and we look forward to achieving the full strength of the NCDL National Cyber ​​Scam Laboratory to help the UK Ministry of Defense and its allies operate safely in the information age."