Learn about the Leap Motion device to control the computer with signals

It was made by an American company specialized in manufacturing and marketing computer hardware, sensors that support hand and finger movements such as writing, moving the mouse, without requiring any communication or touch.
With the passage of years through our modern era, we have come to know a lot about the features of the future, especially through television and movies that have described to us in detail, such as cars flying and flying, and robots that work in homes as servants, and many others. From today, it is possible to control the computer through hand movements in the air, as the Internet sites are full of news of Leap Motion Controller after its first presentation to the public a year ago.

Just imagine controlling the screen and its contents by harnessing the empty space, and identifying the movements and gestures just as the control device plays the game "Kinect" from "Microsoft". They also questioned whether the future seemed to be embodied in a "USB" device, for example, or a computer.

If you own a desktop computer, this sensor should be placed between the screen and the keyboard. If this device is a laptop, it can be placed on the desk in front of the keyboard. The device maker Leap says it will soon be possible to purchase a computer from HPor ASUS equipped with such a pre-implanted sensor.

Just download “Leap” software, and if you do, you will quickly receive instructions on how to put your hands in the air and move them to be monitored by “Leap” cameras and their infrared sensors.

And the device, as we mentioned, is similar to the game “Kinect” that recognizes the parts of the body in space, and if this system is smaller and less expensive, but more accurate, according to the company, it can investigate the position of your ten fingers with great accuracy at one time, which is more accurate than “Kinect” 200 times.

And also remember that "Leap" adds the issue of identifying movements and gestures, not to television, but to a computer machine that can run millions of different programs for all purposes, such as games, for example, office work, as well as communications as well, and entertainment and entertainment. Of course this is a big issue, but unfortunately it is not. Leap hardware may be simple, attractive, and logical, but its program is not, inconsistent, and disappointing.

The first disappointment came in the form that there is no program that recognizes hand movement, unless it is specifically written, or acclimatized to its use with "Leap". There are about 75 of these applications in the "Leap" application store called "Air Space", and some of them are free, and others cost a few dollars. However, not all of them work on Mac and Windows devices. Most of them are games that you control in the 3D field.

There are also some hand movements combined with some musical instruments, so that they can be played. “Gear Harb” ($ 1) is one of them. Some cultural and educational applications are also available such as the free Molecules that manage particles of air, as well as Cyber ​​Science 3D and others.

There are some difficulties with these applications as well. Moving it in the air from one game to another is not smooth. Also, clicking on the mouse in some applications affects other things that are apparent in the screen, while in other applications it is necessary to target the body, while remaining static and marked on it until it is completely filled. As with “Kinect,” this waiting period is to avoid accidental or wrong selection, although keeping the finger rigid without moving in the air is very difficult.

In some applications, you have to return to the previous screen by swiping the finger to the left, and in others the hand should be shaken horizontally. Thus, there is no specific rhythm, or logical method of moving the hand and fingers, so learning these gestures and movements in a specific application does not mean that it can be applied in the following applications. The result is successive disappointments as if you were trying to play a guitar while wearing boxing gloves.

Another big problem is that half of these apps work well with a mouse and keyboard, or at least with touchscreens.

The third problem is when you need, in some applications, to run the cursor, and to wrap the windows up and down in the "OSX" or "Windows" operating system. When your finger is in the air, how does the program know when to click something? There is no glass to click on, as in the touch screen, and no buttons, as is the case when using the mouse. In summary, “Leap Motion Controller” is a solution that looks for difficulties. He desperately needs to apply a juggernaut that investigates the three-dimensional movement of the ten fingers, and harnesses them with great precision. And most of the applications currently available do not benefit from the movement of the ten fingers, most of them detect the movement of a finger or one hand.

"Leap Motion" is an excellent, accurate and high-speed device, available at a phenomenal price, but its program that justifies its existence is still in the world of the future. The Leap Motion device's uses can be viewed closely through this video, which explains how it works and how it works.