Download Real Temp - CPU temperature monitoring

High processor temperature will not be good for you if you use the device in heavy works such as games and animation programs, as this slows down work and if you care about the safety and maintenance of your device, you will have to monitor the processor temperature permanently to avoid damage to the processor, so we will get to know today One of the best tools is to monitor processor temperature and alert you when it is rising.

 RealTemp program, download it from the link at the bottom of the post, and then open it. A screen will appear in front of you for the program that includes a group of the current temperatures and the maximum temperatures that the device reached and when it reached it.
To make an automatic alert when the processor overheats, press the Setting button below to go to the settings screen, from which you will activate alerts and enter the temperature that you want to obtain alerts that have "90 degrees appropriate number". And of course, do these new settings and let the program run in the background as in Image.

And when the temperature rises, a warning beep will sound like an alarm, and nothing will appear on the screen until you don't get distracted while working. Just an intermittent set of sound alerts to tell you that your device is operating at a temperature higher than you want.

Note: The high temperature varies from processor to processor, so search for the maximum temperature for your processor and set it up in the alert settings or slightly less than it.