Which countries have already built their own internet

 We may read a group of news or in newspapers about blocking the Internet in some countries around the world, but many of us may think that such news is fake news and has no basis in truth, but in fact this matter is already true and has been applied in many One of the well-known countries that I will share with you in today's post, and the goal of this matter is to customize the browsing process on the Internet for users and prevent them from accessing a group of important things on the Internet.

Which countries have already built their own internet

We start with the most famous country in the Internet by legalizing everything big and small in it, which is North Korea, where they are completely prevented from using the normal Internet connection that we use, and they are only given the possibility to use the state’s Internet network, which is called Gwangmyeong after the grandfather of the ruling president, and through this The network You can only access the regular state websites, which lack a large number of features and functions, and you are constantly monitored while you browse, and every attempt to access the normal Internet may lead you to imprisonment for many years.

As for the second country, it is Iran, which is also known for its strict laws when it comes to the use of the Internet. The country has a private network called the Halal Internet, where it has only a few sites that you can access.

Thirdly, the world’s heaviest Internet network of the State of Cuba, which is called RedCubana, where this network has a set of firewalls that prevent you from accessing a large number of applications and services prohibited on this network, and according to a group of experiments mentioned in the Internet, it is said that the use of this network It is just like roaming on your computer without using the Internet.

Among the countries that have the strongest firewall that permanently prevents their users from accessing the Internet is the People's Republic of China, which has the most powerful firewall in the world to completely prevent users from entering the Internet.

And recently, one of the powerful countries in the military, digital and scientific fields, which is Russia, confirmed that it has taken a new step, which is the establishment of a new Internet network exclusively for Russians, which they called Runet.