Microsoft reveals the fact that it abandoned the HoloLens 3


Microsoft HoloLens 3

Finally, after waiting, Microsoft responded about the press information that appeared a few days ago, which confirmed that the company had actually abandoned one of its most important projects for what could have been its HoloLens 3 mixed reality helmet in recent months, but a Microsoft official denied the matter.

Alex Kipman, CEO who oversees Microsoft's HoloLens division, responded to the rumors in a tweet on his Twitter account: "Don't believe what you read on the Internet. HoloLens work very well, and if you search the Internet, they also said that we We canceled HoloLens 2... which I heard recently shipped successfully.”

As Engdget previously reported to Business Insider, Microsoft spokesperson Frank Shaw denied the company is abandoning HoloLens, calling it "an important part of the company's plans for emerging classes like mixed reality and metaverse." "We remain committed to the implementation of HoloLens and the future development of HoloLens," Shaw added. The company declined to speak to Business Insider about the reported South Korean Samsung partnership.

But sources said that the employees of the mixed reality unit who spoke to the site said that the different factions within the team are arguing about the issue that should be focused on. Some think the team should double their own hardware, while others think it's best to develop a metavirus platform that other companies can use, like Windows. There are also people arguing about whether Microsoft should stay focused on creating products for enterprise customers or whether the tech giant should also create products for consumers.